All Love Rivals are Evil (unless male): on blatant sexism and vilification in shoujo

Few shoujos avoid vilifying the love rival to a certain extent. Even Kimi Ni Todoke, a series that has garnered a large readership (for good reason), is guilty of this. Kurumi is introduced as a villain rather than a character in the story in my personal opinion (her later development is subversive and stunning but does not erase the fact that she was introduced as a villain). The only shoujos I have read that don’t vilify the female love rival off the bat are ‘Strobe Edge’ and ‘Heroine Shikkaku’. Most others portray the love rival in an antagonistic way because they oppose the heroine’s romance, and most readers end up dismissing the love rival because of the way she is presented. The upsetting trend in all of this is that the love rival is always evil, always female, and always disliked by the majority of the active/vocal fandom.

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